Patient Information Form
Last Name:  First Name:  Middle Initial: 
Mailing Address: (Street, City, State, Zip) 
Home Phone:  Work Phone:  Cell Phone: 
Email Address:  Do you want Email reminders?
Social Security Number:  Drivers License Number: 
Occupation:  Employer:  Employer Phone: 
Employer Address: (Street, City, State, Zip) 
ln Case of Emergency Contact
Name:  Relationship: 
Home Phone:  Work Phone:  Cell Phone: 
Whom can we thank for referring you to us? 
Account Information
Last Name:  First Name:  Middle Initial: 
Mailing Address: (Street, City, State, Zip) 
Home Phone:  Work Phone:  Cell Phone: 
Email Address:  Do you want Email reminders?
Social Security Number:  Drivers License Number: 
Occupation:  Employer:  Employer Phone: 
Employer Address: (Street, City, State, Zip) 
Insurance Company:  ID Number:  Group Number: 
Last Name:  First Name:  Middle Initial: 
Mailing Address: (Street, City, State, Zip) 
Home Phone:  Work Phone:  Cell Phone: 
Email Address:  Do you want Email reminders?
Social Security Number:  Drivers License Number: 
Occupation:  Employer:  Employer Phone: 
Employer Address: (Street, City, State, Zip) 
Insurance Company:  ID Number:  Group Number: 
I do authorize and give consent to my Dentist and his/her Dental Team to administer treatment, including, but not limited to local anesthesia, analgesia, and other such treatment which may be necessary for the above named patient.
I understand that I am responsible for all costs of dental treatment. I aulhorize payment directly to the dental office of the group insurance benefits otherwise payable to me. I authorize the dentist to release all infomation necessary to secure payment of benefits.
Patient or Responsible Party Signature: X   Date:
* Verify Code:
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